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{A Few Things}

28 Sep

Happy Hump Day!

Hope you’re all having a wonderful week.  I am anxious for this evening, but even more for this weekend.  Pat is finishing up his last 10 days in the field TODAY!  He’s spent the last week & a half working on his OBC final.  I can’t wait to hear from him this evening to know how it all went.  THEN, Friday I get to go see him! whoohoo

These are a few things that have been getting me through the last 10 days::IMG_7313

{My DIY Chalk board}

**you’ll need 8’11” canvas, chalk board paint, old frame

**paint 3 coats of chalk board paint on your canvas & allow 2 days for the paint to set.

**I found my frame at Goodwill for $2.50 and spray painted it silver; it’s perfect!

IMG_3690{My Halloween edition Glitz n’ Glam:: get yours today!!}

**leave your email in the comments & I will get you all the details on getting your very own.

**check out my facebook page for other colors

IMG_3646{Jcrew leopard scarf with my stripes}

IMG_3615{Can’t wait to wear my vintage fur shawl}

IMG_5025{Just a little Red, White & Blue}

IMG_3610{First fall mani:: OPI play till midnight}


26 Aug

Two things are different about today, normally it’s {Fashionista Friday} but my week has been insane with work, and no time for pictures.  Second, normally I call this post {Obsessions}, but I don’t like that title anymore, so I changed it!  {Fabulosity}

{Glitter notebooks}

{new fav::toffee nut iced coffee with milk}

{Fuchsia Fever Lipstick}

{Farmers Market Dahlias & Cosmos}

{Jimmy Choo Esam Crystal Heel Suede Platform Pumps Nude}

{DIY Suede Necklace::will blog details asap}

(noun) A term trademarked by Kimora Lee Simmons.  HER DEFINITION “However, anyone fabulous can define “fabulosity” differently. Basically, fabulosity is about being the best at everything, looking fabulously sexy, having the best things, flaunting your fabulousness and loving yourself and/or other fabulous people around you. Only a select few out of the whole human population are fabulous enough to live in “fabulosity”.”

MY DEFINITION OF fabulosity::

Being the best at everything- I think if you have a hard working competitive nature- we tend to always strive for perfection…but everyone’s “perfection” will be based on what skills/tool they acquire at that time to reach it.  We should always strive to be the best we can be at whatever it is we may be doing, but know that giving something everything you have is fabulosity.

Looking sexy- HA who knows what sexy is.  I would say more feeling beautiful and carrying confidence because you know your beautiful on the inside- your heart. Outer beauty is set by humans/hollywood, and does that even really matter?  God wants us to have a beautiful heart.  Inner beauty projects our outer beauty-that’s fabulosity.

Having the best things – Matthew 6:20 “store up your treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”  The treasure we have in Heaven are worth far more what we could ever own on this earth.  Live within your means & put value on loving and sharing with other people-that’s fabulosity.

Flaunting – such a boastful word.  We should be confident in who we are and carry a quiet confidence in knowing we are more than just what we wear or what we own, but we are women of faith and that makes us beautiful- that’s fabulosity.

Loving ourselves- 1 Corithians 6:20 “you were bought at a price, therefor honor God with your body.”  Love yourself- take care of your body, it’s the only one God’s given you!